Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Down for the count

Round 1 of the IUI didn't work. The worse part is that my periods always mimic symptoms of pregnancy but when you have a procedure to get you pregnant, you actually believe you're pregnant. And so did the man. I was super, super, super crabby, tired, nauseous, moody, bloated, implantation bleeding....everything. Except I spotted 3 days before my period came and then bam, it came.

Sure I tested on day 7, which was stupid but I just had to get it out of my system because 2 weeks for news was enternity. I rather know that I saw a negative to prepare for the future. On day 10 I tested again with more hope and it was neg. On day 12 I spotted hoping it was prespot because you hear some women go through that. Nope. The next day I woke up to some cramps and hello! Aunt Flo was here in her drunken glory.


So now we're on round 2 of clomid with an injectable. Yes, an injectable right to the stomach. Being the drama queen/afraid of needles, you would have thought someone told me to hari kari myself or something. I watched this video and started to tear up at work. Thank god the man used to be a vet tech because he's my shot giver. And of course the drama starts.

"Don't you wiggle or move or fuss now".

"Well you follow my rules of not showing me the needle, telling me when it comes, count 1,2,3 and then let me hold my breath and do it."

And this conversation went on for 30 min back and forth because he knows I'm a freak. I wish the nurse would give it to me because it puts me in a situation of not backing out. With the man, I'm going to freak.

Thank god it's subcutaneous though. And did you know that these meds are made out of pregnant women's pee? I mean what do they have some sort of cattle call of "Pee here, get your preggo pee here."

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