Wednesday, April 16, 2008

He's taking requests

When we were at the RE's office I saw some lady with her mom and go to the man, "Why would you bring your mom here??? So friggen gross." We overheard because she was having triplets!!

Triplets. Scary. The man goes 'you got 3 eggs in there for possibilities, right?" I was like "no way man, no way". Can you imagine? There's just no room in women for 3 kids!!!

And trust me, 8 eggs total, 3 of which are all good chances is just wrong. Talk about lead weights. All I'm asking is for 1 to take. Here's hoping!!!

Two other guys were in the office yesterday and all I could do was giggle. My man beat them to the punch and all I could think were these guys in rooms next to each other beating off. How creepy. You know everyone next to you is doing the same thing. See, I would be that jerk and either moan so they could hear me or knock on the wall and go "are you done?"

When he was done he goes, "read the label when they show it to you." So I did and it said 'dillweed' " and in the notes section he put "Better than what Russell Crowe has to offer". He loves ribbing on Russell.

While we were waiting our standard 10 min for things to settle he grabs the exam room light, and ladies, we know what light I'm talking about, and started singing "Suspicious Minds" like Elvis (he's really, really good at it too). And grabed the long "hoo ha" swabs that were in a box on a table and started playing the drums on my tummy.

When we left the room the doc told us "Nice Elvis."

For some reason this IUI felt different. I got no cramping. Being monitored, I now know what my levels were at peak---LH 61.1 from a 8.6 in two days! "Little guy" count? 60 million. Sounds promising to me.

I will say though that the Ovidrel worked. Or at least I think it worked. About midnight I FELT the egg(s) release in the left ovary. Ok I know. Weirdo. But seriously. I know Clomid sore, holy cow I got too many eggs and I think I have OHSS vs. something slightly popping and then pushing out like a marble through a tube. And yes, it was weird and painful. But not horrible painful. Just ew painful. Within an hour all of my super ovarian pain was gone.

We won't know until next week. I don't want to get my hopes up like last time and monitor every little symptom. Then again, I have no symptoms. Everything is completely different than the last time.

Last time I was Super Crab for 2 weeks straight. This time? Two days. Last time I was cramping after the IUI where I thought Aunt Flo was coming. This time? Nothing. The only pain I felt was super ovarian pain and that went away by midnight when the egg popped out. I think I was super hungry about now the last time. Not sure. But the last two days I've been hungry like the wolf. Yes. I said it.

So who knows? Taking it easy and trying not to think about it. No way am I testing early like last time because the shot will give me a false positive. All I know is that I have one more IUI try after this and we're off to IVF in the fall (I'm taking the summer off). I'm hoping it doesn't come to that.

So here's good thoughts and more waffles, donuts, chocolate milk, a burrito bowl, iced tea, and more water to shake your pee stick at.

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